Product: Samy Fat Hair “0” Calories Amplifying Hair Spray
(Available at Shoppers Drug Mart)
This hairspray truly puts the “hold” in “maximum hold hair spray.” I am warning you, this hairspray should be used with caution! This is the type of hairspray your hairdresser uses on you when you go in to get an updo. The kind that makes your hair stay in place and feel kindof like a helmet. If what you are looking for is maximum hold then this is the hairspray for you. If you want free flowing curls or straight hair that will move when you walk then this is not the product you want to use. But, for special occasions when you want your hair to stay in place or to achieve curls that will last all night then this is definitely the product I recommend. It is like glue for your hair. I use this hairspray when my hair is curled and I want it to stick out with as much volume as it can possibly get. I have never come across a stronger holding hairspray. The picture of me in that ridiculous hat is an example of what this hairspray did to my hair. It feathered my hair out and it stayed that way all night. It is a great product that I highly recommend. But like I said, be careful!

"I am only as strong as the cocktails I drink, the hairspray I use, and the girlfriends I have"
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