From as far back as I can remember I have always been a true beauty junkie. I remember when I was young my favourite Friday nights were always those spent with my best friend going to Shoppers Drug Mart with our allowance money and buying new shampoo, face masks or nail polish and giving each other makeovers or washing each others hair. As soon as I was old enough to wear lipstick I took advantage starting with a dark brown lipstick which I look back on now and cringe. I believe I have my mom to thank for my lipstick obsession because she also always has to have her lips done.

I have always enjoyed beauty products and throughout the years I have developed a quite large collection of makeup, perfumes and products. I took a course in University which talked about the beauty industry and it was then that I realized my love could turn into a possible career opportunity. I didn’t know how, what or where, but I just knew I needed to be doing what I love, and one thing I love is beauty.

I have always enjoyed beauty products and throughout the years I have developed a quite large collection of makeup, perfumes and products. I took a course in University which talked about the beauty industry and it was then that I realized my love could turn into a possible career opportunity. I didn’t know how, what or where, but I just knew I needed to be doing what I love, and one thing I love is beauty.
Maybe it’s my pisces nature, but beauty has always been incredibly special and important to me. I always try to notice the beauty around me. From simple things to the more obvious; a beautiful flower or sunset or landscape or seeing an old couple holding hands, or hearing a song with breathtaking lyrics. Or maybe it’s the beauty of finding a quote that fits exactly how you are feeling or finding the beauty in others. Maybe it’s the beauty of a friendship or a relationship. Or in the case of this blog, maybe it is finding the perfect beauty product that brings you joy and makes you feel better about yourself. 
Like most little girls dreaming of beauty, I developed a love for Magazines. I would become captivated by images of the beautiful models, makeup and clothes. This deep love of everything “beauty” is what inspired me to take a chance and apply for a beauty internship at FASHION Magazine in Toronto. I had no idea what I was in for when I found out I got the internship, I just new I was lucky, nervous and damn excited.
I completed a 5 month beauty internship at FASHION Magazine and the whole experience was more then I could have ever hoped for. I learned alot about the beauty industry and enjoyed being surrounded by the newest beauty products which was nothing short of heaven for a girl like me. I worked directly for 2 Beauty Editor’s who were truly a pleasure to work for. I got to attend some amazing events and write for the website. Writing has been another passion of mine so I was thrilled to have a chance to write, as well as see my name in print in the Magazine.

Like most little girls dreaming of beauty, I developed a love for Magazines. I would become captivated by images of the beautiful models, makeup and clothes. This deep love of everything “beauty” is what inspired me to take a chance and apply for a beauty internship at FASHION Magazine in Toronto. I had no idea what I was in for when I found out I got the internship, I just new I was lucky, nervous and damn excited.
I completed a 5 month beauty internship at FASHION Magazine and the whole experience was more then I could have ever hoped for. I learned alot about the beauty industry and enjoyed being surrounded by the newest beauty products which was nothing short of heaven for a girl like me. I worked directly for 2 Beauty Editor’s who were truly a pleasure to work for. I got to attend some amazing events and write for the website. Writing has been another passion of mine so I was thrilled to have a chance to write, as well as see my name in print in the Magazine.
I was also in charge of organizing the beauty closet which holds every kind of product you could ever imagine.
Through my internship at Fashion Magazine I was introduced to the world of Public Relations. When my beauty internship sadly came to an end I started another internship on the PR team at Coty Canada. My experience at Coty was incredible and I was exposed to the world of PR and fragrance, as well as a bunch of employees who quickly became some of my favourite people in the world.
After a couple of months at Coty I was lucky enough to land a contract position on the PR team at Revlon Canada. I now work for a PR agency on a variety of lifestyle brands and even helped launch Victoria's Secret in Canada. It's amazing to be working in an industry you love and are passionate about.
I am starting this beauty blog because I love writing about beauty products. Also, I like to know about a product before I buy it and I imagine other people feel the exact same way. I think we all know the disappointing feeling of spending money on a beauty product that doesn’t deliver. I have developed a large collection of products throughout my time at these different companies and as I try these products I am going to write about what I like or don't like and why. I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it.
Have a pretty day!
"In every Girl is a Goddess"
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